Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Anything for IPL!

IPL has leveraged enough publicity for a past month, that there is little surprise their official broadcasters Sony Entertainment is said to generate revenue of around 500 crores of revenue.

But drama and hype surrounding IPL doesn’t sound to cease down even an Iota. Earlier in the day Maharasthra Director General pumped the arteries of IPL officials, stating that it’s better for IPL authorities to postpone the event owing to election.

In fact he derided IPL stating that just because for few rich business men, one cannot strangle the loyal police officials, who will be in the election duty. But much to relief of the IPL authorities, Maharashtra commissioner, Hasaan Gafoor gave a different version, stating that, since IPL is not scheduled during elections; adequate security would be deposited, to spin the tournament.

If Maharashtra government would have shown even slightest declination, it means literally cancellation of the tournament. As around 14 matches are scheduled to be held in Mumbai including Opening ceremony and closing ceremony.

It seems that Ministry of affairs would take much more time, to give consent to IPL. But Lalith Modi, IPL chairman is not willing to wait for government confirmation and have sprung into action.

In fact he has already prepared multiple schedules, in case if Government is not gratified with one, they can always forge ahead with other one without waste of any precious time. As tournament is not even a month away, franchises are also very eager to acquire a clear cut answer for IPL schedule, so that they can commence ticket sales and advertising deals.

Meanwhile Rajsthan Chief Minister Gehlot and Delhi Chief Minister Sheila dixit have written a letter to Ministry of External Affairs, to allow hosting of IPL matches, in their respective cities venues.

Mean while Andrew Bloodhood, an English men, who was responsible for developing concept of IPL last year along with Modi, sounded optimistic about the tournament being held. In fact he said that tournament would not be cut short and there will be no reduction in those 44 matches.

Even though, he did consent that, there are few logistic problems between government and IPL authorities; it could be solved with plenty of venue options available in India. He said that if authorities doesn’t want matches played there before certain time, then they will move them elsewhere, even Inter – state and with prudent scheduling both IPL and elections can take place with solace.

For all these gentle men efforts and aspirations, IPL will surely set its eyes on dawn from dusk sooner.

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